For Christmas, I received a pair of Bose noise-cancelling headphones. I had been looking forward to getting a pair of these for years now - and now that I use them all the time, my life is a lot quieter.
For those that haven't had the opportunity to use these yet, let me assure you that they work. I put them on as soon as I step onto an airplane, and I suddenly feel like I'm in an orb of quiet - my own secret garden. It's incredible. I've enjoyed using them so much, that I walk to the Metro with them on, ride the bus with them on, ride the Metro with them on...and sit at my desk in the office with them on (usually without music playing).
It got me thinking.
I remember when I was using my first iPod, with my neat little in-ear earphones that made all the noise of the New York City streets fade away. No longer would people ask me for money on the street as they'd notice my white earbuds, people wouldn't ask me for directions either - I became very insulated. Now, as I walk around in even more quiet around Washington, DC - I feel like the city has disappeared around me.
By their nature, cities are noisy places - honking horns, screaming people, public transportation, and the unmistakable drone of air conditioners in the summer. As more and more people put on headphones, more and more people are redefining the city experience...in a way. As much as I've enjoyed wandering around Philadelphia, Washington & New York listening to Robert Plant and or/ Mick Jagger sing to me - what have I missed? People asking for help? Sirens? Someone sneaking up on me? Laughter?
It's time for me to take off my headphones and pay more attention.
i enjoy your philosophical ramblings and urge you to do more. the experience of travel is important and personal, and due to the frequent nature of your travels, the experience should be more pronounced.
i happen to love when the city disappears around me. i enjoy, crave actually, space and find that when nyc fades into the background, i feel much more at home.
because of all of this and your post, i must purchase noise canceling headphones made by bose.
You know, I had the same realization about a year ago, when my iPod usage peaked. I had managed to block out so much of the noise on my daily commute in NYC and was able to wander the city in my own peace listening to music and not worrying about what noises were around me. I never got comfortable, though, knowing that I may not be able to hear the car that's blowing through the red light, or the lady yelling for help after a mugger grabbed her bag. I decided one day before work to leave my iPod at home, and honestly, it was refreshing to get back to the madness of city noise. It's like you're reconnecting with the world around you. I think you'll enjoy paying attention again.
i want you to notice that brian and edward posted at the exact same moment on the information superhighway:
11.13 am.
we are like, so connected.
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